Unofficial OAA Sports
Soccer Information
by timStats, LLC (@TimsSports)
This site is not affiliated with the official OAA site.

Boys Soccer Missing Scores (2016-17)

As of 2016-11-03 20:37:50.

Please use the feedback form to submit unreported scores, postponements, or cancellations. Starting time is 7:00 PM local time (19:00) unless otherwise specified.

NOTE: division = OAA divisional game; conference = OAA crossover.

Missing Scores:

  1. , Bloomfield Hills v. (TBD), tournament, game 2 at DCD
  2. , Hazel Park v. (TBD), tournament, at Oscoda (gm2)
  3. , Hazel Park v. (TBD), tournament, at Oscoda (gm3)